Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things I learned

In this class I learned many things just to name a few power point, podcast, blogs and how to create one, i-google and gadgets and spread sheets. I also learned how to use a multiplication table using Excell.

There were some things I still have trouble doing and that's the creating your own web page and the different formulas to use when using a multiplication table on excell and the proper steps to take in doing currency changes.

Plus and Minuses of Blogging

When I first heard that I was going to be blogging, I was a little nervous because I didn't know how to blog or let alone what it was. I admit that I was a little intimidated by this class because I am not very computer literate. This class was a very big challenge for me. I think blogs can be very useful and helpful to anyone not just in teaching. Blogging is a good way to communicate and share information with others. It is also a good way to get opinions about a work or specific subject of interest. Blogs can be use in a lot of ways. In my case it will be very helpful to me as a first time teacher. Not only could I use blogs to communicate with other teachers, I can also use blogs to teach my students.

Minuses of Blogs

I really can't think of many negative things to say about blogs.
The only things that come to mind is that anyone can make a blog and post it and sometimes what people post is not always good. Blogs can be confusing at times. For me it was a little difficult because it was my first time experincing blogging and I didn't know where to start. Using blogs in the classroom may not always be a good thing because some students may not have access to a computer at home and can not do the required assignments. Students may start to get lazy and lose focus on their work and just want to play with the computers instead of using other materials like their books. Some students may not be computer literate and feel like they can't learn that way.

Duke University

I went to Duke University podcast page and I listen to a podcast called In The Middle.
This podcast was about a small town in Harrington, Pennsylvania. The small town was having immigration problems. In 2006 a law was passed on undocumented immigration.
The mayor of this town, mayor Barletto, claimed that the illegal aliens was draining the resources from the small town. The illegal aliens were Latinos and they all got together to file a suit to overturn the laws that was set against immigration.
Angel Grant is a citizen of Harrington, Pennsylvania and she feels that the illegal immigration is a problem and she agrees with the laws. In this podcast they speak of the crime rate increasing because of the immigration but how can they based that on immigration alone. I don't think that's fair at all to assume that all Latinos are what ever race you are should be profiled just because one person believes it.


I listened to four podcast and though I am still learning about podcast and how they work I think we still can do better. I noticed some people were nervous and that's understandable because it's something new. I also noticed that some were a little unprepared including myself. Now that we all know what to expect we can do better next time. If I ever do another podcast I will make sure I do more research on the subject or assigned topic.
I think having note cards will also help the conversation better in case you may forget what you want to say then you will have the note cards to look back on. It's important that you explain to the listeners what you will be talking about in your podcast so that they will know what your talking about.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mathematics in Technology

Judy Chandler, a math mentor and trainor did a study on teachers and she found that some teachers were very reluctant to introduce technology in the classroom.
She believes that technology is a valuable classroom resource. She also says in the podcast that teachers find excuses not to use technology with mathematics.

I believe that using technology with mathematics is a very good idea. Math can be very difficult at times and if you can make it a little easier for students to understand it through using technology than teachers should use it.


Growth VS. Mixed Minds

Fixed mindset intelligence is a fixed trait. Some students base their intelligence on whether their intelligence will be shown through what they do. Growth mindset students believe that intelligence is something you develop. Growth mindset can admit to mistakes and came overcome them.
i believe there are a lot of people who either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.
This podcast was very interesting and informative.

October 24 post

Grades k-5 "City Of Coral" Energy Flow In The Coral Reef Ecosystem

Coral Reefs are found in tropical water near the surface because they need energy from the sun to survive. The plants and algae there convert energy through photosynthesis.
Each small coral is made up of many coral organisms. The brown spots on the coral are their cells. The plant cells collect energy from the sun through photosynthesis.

This podcast was very informative and for me as a teacher i could use this in my classroom when i am teaching my students about different organisms and plant life in the ocean. By looking and listening at the podcast it can give the students a more in depth look at life int he water.


The Edible Schoolyard

Martin Luther King Jr. middle school the spend their first period planting in the garden at their school. The teachers use every aspect in the garden to teach the students. The garden is the center of the teacher's learning environment. The students will benefit greatly from the garden. Students who are very good with their hands will succeed greatly. Alice Waters originally came up with the idea of having the garden and incorporating it into learning. It teaches them the values of everyday life. Teaches them where food comes from and the cycle it goes through to become a plant or vegetable or fruit.

The Global Village

The Rocky Mountain school is a school that allows students and teachers to see how some people live in different countries around the world in one night.
The name of the organization is called The Global Village.
The Global Village raises awareness about hunger. Some of the countries they try to portray are Thailand, Appalachia, refugee camps. They are used to demonstrate how each of these countries live.
The students choose numbers to see which country their going to get.
The students have to be able to work together and learn how to survive off the things they have.
I really enjoyed learning about the Global Village, I think it's very important that students get to see first hand how other cultures live. It will make them appreciate things more and should make them more thankful.